Fall Small Pumpkin Bouquet
Back by popular demand! These adorable arrangements are created using our own beautiful blooms that have been dried for long lasting beauty and arranged on either white mini boo pumpkins (a favorite!) or traditional mini orange pumpkins. Pre order now to add Fall beauty every table in your home, or create a beautiful vignette center piece for a real wow factor!
How long do they last? Flowers are our own beautiful blooms that have been carefully dried . Pumpkins are fresh and last as long as pumpkins do when they are uncut. We find the smaller the pumpkin the longer they last . These mini arrangements will be a beautiful addition to your Fall decor and make gorgeous center pieces gathered together.
Pickup for pre orders of the mini pumpkin arrangements begin Sept 14 at the Anderson Township Farmers market. Delivery is also available per request in Cincinnati area. Availability based on our dried flower stock for this season and these have sold out quickly at the market! Get yours today!
Note: Sept 14 pick up date is now sold out. There are just 3 more delivery dates for free pickup at the Anderson Township Farmer’s market. Next available pickup is September 21. Please select a pickup date at checkout .
NOTE: I have acquired more of the stunningly beautiful tricolored striped pumpkins for the bouquets this week (September 21) . If you select “white “ this week they will be the tri colored minis. Hurry and get these while they are still available!
Back by popular demand! These adorable arrangements are created using our own beautiful blooms that have been dried for long lasting beauty and arranged on either white mini boo pumpkins (a favorite!) or traditional mini orange pumpkins. Pre order now to add Fall beauty every table in your home, or create a beautiful vignette center piece for a real wow factor!
How long do they last? Flowers are our own beautiful blooms that have been carefully dried . Pumpkins are fresh and last as long as pumpkins do when they are uncut. We find the smaller the pumpkin the longer they last . These mini arrangements will be a beautiful addition to your Fall decor and make gorgeous center pieces gathered together.
Pickup for pre orders of the mini pumpkin arrangements begin Sept 14 at the Anderson Township Farmers market. Delivery is also available per request in Cincinnati area. Availability based on our dried flower stock for this season and these have sold out quickly at the market! Get yours today!
Note: Sept 14 pick up date is now sold out. There are just 3 more delivery dates for free pickup at the Anderson Township Farmer’s market. Next available pickup is September 21. Please select a pickup date at checkout .
NOTE: I have acquired more of the stunningly beautiful tricolored striped pumpkins for the bouquets this week (September 21) . If you select “white “ this week they will be the tri colored minis. Hurry and get these while they are still available!