Early Spring Bouquet Club Membership!


Get your fresh bouquets this Spring before the market even opens! This 3 week subscription is for the blooms that arrive before the market even opens in late May. I like to have flowers for as much of the year as possible and am constantly working to make sure that is possible. Get your flower fix before the market opens this season! Each season is completely weather dependent, so I pick the window where it looks like the most flower varieties will be blooming together . This could be things like ranunculus, tulips, allium, , and sometimes peonies! Many of these gorgeous flowers are completely gone before the market opens in late May.

Bonus with membership!

Included with your subscription 2 dahlia tubers to grow beautiful summer blooms in your own garden. Plus complete dahlia growing guide for both container and in ground planting. ($35 value!)

Subscription includes 3 beautiful fresh Bouquets of Early Spring blooms, plus bonus 2 dahlia tubers and growing guide, and delivery right to your door.

Is this a gift for Valentines Day? Shoot me and email to let me know, and I will send a bouquet club welcome letter to recipient on Valentine’s Day ( or Galentine’s day :) letting them know of their gift from you.

Note: if this is a gift please email me after purchase and let me know recipient information.

The Bouquet club makes a great Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day gift to a loved one or the gift of flowers to yourself! If this is for a gift make sure and email me after purchase @ Info@macgardnerflowerfarm.com to let me know the recipients details, and do you want the dahlia tubers to be delivered to them or to yourself :) I will send a welcome email to recipient on Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day (or your date of choice) to let them know about their special flower gift

Note: if this is a gift please email me after purchase and let me know recipient information.

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Get your fresh bouquets this Spring before the market even opens! This 3 week subscription is for the blooms that arrive before the market even opens in late May. I like to have flowers for as much of the year as possible and am constantly working to make sure that is possible. Get your flower fix before the market opens this season! Each season is completely weather dependent, so I pick the window where it looks like the most flower varieties will be blooming together . This could be things like ranunculus, tulips, allium, , and sometimes peonies! Many of these gorgeous flowers are completely gone before the market opens in late May.

Bonus with membership!

Included with your subscription 2 dahlia tubers to grow beautiful summer blooms in your own garden. Plus complete dahlia growing guide for both container and in ground planting. ($35 value!)

Subscription includes 3 beautiful fresh Bouquets of Early Spring blooms, plus bonus 2 dahlia tubers and growing guide, and delivery right to your door.

Is this a gift for Valentines Day? Shoot me and email to let me know, and I will send a bouquet club welcome letter to recipient on Valentine’s Day ( or Galentine’s day :) letting them know of their gift from you.

Note: if this is a gift please email me after purchase and let me know recipient information.

The Bouquet club makes a great Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day gift to a loved one or the gift of flowers to yourself! If this is for a gift make sure and email me after purchase @ Info@macgardnerflowerfarm.com to let me know the recipients details, and do you want the dahlia tubers to be delivered to them or to yourself :) I will send a welcome email to recipient on Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day (or your date of choice) to let them know about their special flower gift

Note: if this is a gift please email me after purchase and let me know recipient information.